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vanina kala kap kundalini activation process

Quantum Healing

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LNT, Radiesthesia Sessions and Kundalini Awakening Practices (KAP) have been gaining attention in the resilience, wellness and personal growth communities.

Some of my energy learnings come from trainings and direct transmissions from mentors.


KAP: Levels 1 and 2 of Kundalini Activation Process (KAP) Facilitator Training focusing on kundalini activation and non-dual transmissions.

LNT: (La Nueva Terapia). Training with Philippe Schwiderski. Quantic Healing and Radiesthesia.


​Transmissions and processes can be done in individual or group sessions, both in person and online.

Would you like to connect to your life energy and expand your consciousness?

KAP benefit 1
KAP benefit 2
KAP benefit 3
KAP benefit 4

Participants who have attented KAP sessions have reported the following benefits:

KAP benefit 5

States of great peace, relaxation or pleasure

Rejection of unhealthy substances or foods

A deep state of balance and wellness

Improvements in sleep conciliation and quality

Increase of energy and athletic performance

...among many others!

Non-Duality and Non-Dual Immersions

non-duality kap

Non-duality involves experiencing the essence of Self, acknowledging the true nature of our being as a distinct expression of consciousness. Sensing the presence within, we are immersed in the profound understanding that we are interconnected and unified through our authentic essence. Attaining this awareness can be genuinely liberating, releasing us from the perceived limitations of human existence.


During a Non-Dual Immersion, you will receive three different types of transmissions that will deeply influence your energy system. The KAP Academy has carefully designed the combination and rhythm of these transmissions to induce a substantial and enduring acceleration of your awakening.


As Facilitators, we consider it an honor to facilitate a non-dual immersion. This experience leads to a significant expansion of consciousness, requiring a willingness to dismantle blockages, conditionings, judgments we all carry. The impact of non-dual immersions is profound and surpasses the intensity of a typical KAP session. Participants frequently describe profound life transformations following their involvement in an immersion.

The transmission of states of non-duality connects us with who we are, with our truth, and the clarity that appears is truly and undenniably healing.

"I feel very good, I feel that the connection with my body is certain, there are several dimensions that unfolded yesterday, in my case I also feel that I started days before with changes that had been brewing. As for my energy, it is like connected too."
"A unique experience, inexplicable for someone who watched his videos and said 'I'm going without expectations because that's not going to happen to me.' (...) Without words, totally grateful, and the radical change that gave me back the desire to do, to feel, but above all to meet again with the person I was. Thank you!"
"What a beauty yesterday, I'm happy. The connection was very great (...) Laughter and crying...I connected with my dad, so thank you."
Vanina Kala Waizmann sesión KAP

Esch Facilitator has a unique flavor in our transmission.

Book your next KAP or LNT session with me

Book an individual or group online or session below:

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